diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2016

Your-says about your interests


They are simply substances that cause bodily harm and bad addictions. People taste drugs and say that it's good because they relax you and takes you off of your problems but I have never taste any drug, drink alcohol or smoke and I'm so good and happy without smoke or drink. I can relax without this.
As everyone, I think that people do this because of the influence of friends or to feel more energetic in front the other people, especially in the parties.
The drug is illegal in our country, but if you'll know the people who buy and/or sell people will be hallucinating, the people who consume it most are teenagers and the person that sell them it is because he is poor, but not necessarily. 
I think drugs aren't necessary in our life and police might work better to do this possible.
Resultat d'imatges de drugsResultat d'imatges de drugsResultat d'imatges de drugs

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